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Martha Wright Martha Wright

The Irresistible Reason We Resist What's Good For Us

Why do we as humans resist doing things we know will be good for us. Maybe you can relate? Do you ever beat yourself up thinking "if walking, or journaling, or stretching or practicing French or sitting in stillness makes me feel good, why can't I keep it going for more than a few days at a time?" Why do we resist?

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

Zero-Proof Celebrations

It turns out that celebrations during a pandemic have a lot in common with celebrations AF (alcohol free)! You’ve heard the expression that love is spelled T-I-M-E. All across the country, we’ve seen incredible creativity in how people found ways to honor the high school graduates, the expectant parents, the birthday kings and queens!

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

Living Juicy

Years back I was inspired by an artist named SARK for her descriptions of a creative, positive, engaged, wild life. I've been moved by brilliant writers (and especially food writers) who capture in words the sensual pleasures of juicy peaches, of soft rain, of huge belly laughs, of sinking fingers into clay or toes into sand.

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

Sobriety as a Tool for Change

The outrage and heartbreak we are feeling, and the reckoning long due about systemic racism demand the attention and effort of all of us. I personally have much work to do internally, and amends to make. I’m reading, listening and supporting causes, some suggestions gleaned from this excellent list.

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

Self Compassion is the Key

“I’m struck by the idea of self-compassion being like a vaccine. That it is not just to protect and preserve ourselves, but that it is also for the good of the herd.”

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

The Why Behind a Morning Routine

If addiction is defined as continuing to do something despite negative consequences, then I have been addicted to the Cortisol Sandwich. The Cortisol Sandwich is my name for my former morning routine which involved waking up very groggy, pouring coffee before my eyes were open and opening my laptop for an assault of news, email advertisements and clickbait.

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

TLC During a Dry Month

I posted tips on how to manage, survive and get the most out of a 30-day Alcohol Free experiment. You can read my suggestions here but the one I stress heavily is to engage in supreme self-care. A client asked what exactly I meant by that. Good question!

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Martha Wright Martha Wright

Please Let Me Reclaim Mental Clarity And Power...

This beautiful river in the Pacific Northwest has class III-V rapids. One of those rapids is a complicated one to navigate that brings kayakers from around the world. It’s called The Washing Machine, because if you get tossed from your boat or raft and get caught in it, it will spin you around and around.

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